Our Family & Community Values
Clear Minds
♡ Our immutable characteristics do not define our inner character.
♡ We are made in God’s imagine. Our bodies are beautiful and perfect, exactly the way we were made.
♡ We live in a fallen world. We should always strive to work to better ourselves and be the most moral and upstanding people we can be.
Strong Foundations
♡ We do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
♡ We know what is right, based on the words given to us in the Bible.
♡ We do not allow modern day culture and pressure to poison our hearts against what we know to be right and true.
Kind Hearts
♡ We love all people, despite how different they may be.
♡ We help those in need and we always strive to protect the most vulnerable among us.
♡ We steadfastly believe in the sanctity of all human life.